I didn’t know it at the time but my journey to Cresso probably started when I was 15. That was when I started my own lawn mowing business and became an entrepreneur. I soon merged my business with a friend’s lawn mowing business and we became “We Be Mowing”. The goal then was getting some cash so I could buy a new surfboard. That might still be part of the goal!

Since those first start-up days, I’ve had the opportunity to learn so much along the way. Having served nonprofit organizations and for profit businesses for over 20 years, what compels me most is when people and business thrive. In Latin, cresso means to increase, multiply, thrive. In life when we want to experience a harvest that increases, multiplies and thrives, we have to sow into the soil the good things that bring about life. So at Cresso, helping you sow richly into the soil of your organization is my passion.


  • Entrepreneur

  • Small Business Founder

  • Non Profit Executive Director

  • MBA, Xavier University

  • MTS, Emory University

  • Certified Working Genius Coach

  • HubSpot Inbound Sales Certified

  • Golden Personality Type Profile Certified

Carey and his family live, work, and play in Jacksonville, Florida. He still enjoys surfing, is an avid baseball fan, enjoys time with family and friends, and has a unique gift for listening. He’s available to consult, speak, and do fractional executive work throughout the United States.

Contact Carey for more information.