Team Development

Your people are the most important asset in your business. Investing into your team and helping them thrive will keep them with you longer, increasing and multiplying your business.

The cost of severance, recruiting new candidates, sign on and relocation expenses, loss of morale and the loss of institutional knowledge are expensive when you are having high turnover. These expenses can easily push north of $50,000 per position.

According to Jim Collins, having the right people on the bus is vitally important. Making sure they are on the right seat on the bus is just as important. You want your team members to wake up on Monday morning ready to be the first ones in the office to take on the challenges of the week.

Through the use of Working Genius and other targeted trainings, together we can sow seeds to reduce your turnover, improve your culture and put the people on your team in a position to thrive.

Some initiatives that we might collaborate together on are:

  • Working Genius from The Table Group

  • Leading Teams - learn the 5 pillars to effectively lead and grow a team

  • New hire coaching - winning the first 90, 180 and 360 days

  • Individual team member coaching